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Capacitance Meter Calibration Standards, LCR Meter Test Fixtures, Short-Open Standards, and Bias Adapter |
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Capacitor Calibration Standards - Capacitor calibration standards are available in the values of 10pF, 100pF, 1nF, 10nF, and 100nF. These standards can be used to calibrate or check the calibration of our Model 3000 Capacitance Meter. They have 2-BNC connectors on 0.750 inch centers and are designed for direction connection the Model 3000 Capacitance Meter (see picture below). The 2-BNC connector configuration (see schematic below) allow for the terminal stray capacitances and their uncertainties to be eliminated using 3-terminal measurement technique or the Model 3000 Capacitance Meter. The capacitor standard (Cstd) is connected between BNC terminals 1 and 2. There is approximately 6.7 pF stray capacitance (C1 and C1) between each center pin of the BNC connectors and ground. The stray capacitance-to-ground does not contribute to Cstd when making measurements with the Model 3000 Capacitance Meter or capacitance bridge such as IET-GenRad 1620 or 1621. The internal residual resistance (R1, R2 = 0.0012 ohm) and lead inductance (L1, L2 = 12.5 nH) contribute negligible impedance for test frequencies below 100 kHz. Each capacitor standard ships with two, double shielded 12 inch BNC cables that can be used to connect the standard to the Model 3000 Capacitance Meter instead of a direct connection or to any other capacitance meter or bridge that does not have 0.75 inch connector spacing. We also offer the capacitor standards in a set of 5 standards in a fitted box with 2 BNC cables and certificate of calibration as shown below. All capacitor standards are serialized with barcode for inventory tracking. NOTE: We can also supply custom values from 10pF to 100nF (1kHz test frequency calibration only). Standard Part Numbers: 10pF -> P/N 2901409-100; 100pF -> P/N 2901409-101; 1nF -> P/N 2901409-102; 10nF -> P/N 2901409-103; 100nF -> P/N 2901409-104 Set of Five Standards, Part Number: P/N 2901409-SET includes fitted box and 2 BNC cables Each standard and set includes a NIST traceable certificate of calibration. DATASHEET - (PDF format)
Return to top of page SHORT-OPEN Calibration Standards - Short-Open calibration standards for LCR meter short and open corrections are available for use with the 4-BNC (5-terminal) to 2-BNC (3-terminal) LCR Meter Test Fixture Adapter. The internal construction is identically to our Capacitor Standards. For the SHORT, Cstd is replaced with a short; and for the OPEN, Cstd is deleted. Short-Open standards are serialized with barcode for inventory tracking. Standard Part Numbers: SHORT -> P/N 2901409-SHORT; OPEN -> P/N 2901409-OPEN Return to top of page LCR Meter Test Fixtures Adapters - We offer a line of low cost, 5-terminal (4-BNC) to 3-terminal (2-BNC) and 4-BNC to banana jack test fixture adapters for LCR meters with standard 22 mm (0.866 inch) connector spacing. These adapters are compatible with LCR meters such as the Agilent or Keysight E4980A / E4980AL or IET GenRad 1693. The 5-terminal (4-BNC) to 3-terminal (2-BNC) LCR meter test fixture adapter (P/N 2901600-100) is intended to be used with our capacitor calibration standards and short-open standards with 0.750 inch spacing, but the LCR meter test fixture adapter can be used to measure any 2-BNC capacitor, inductor, or resistor standard using coaxial cable connections or test probes. The approximate test fixture residual resistance and inductance are Rs = 0.0035 ohm and Ls = 67.7 nH, and capacitance and conductance are Co = 4.3 fF and Go = 9.6 pS. The 4-BNC to banana jack test fixture adapter (P/N 2901600-200) is designed to measure IET GenRad 1409-series standard capacitors using a direct connection to the LCR meter through the adapter. This eliminates long cables and errors do to stray capacitance between cables. The 4-BNC to banana jack adapter is also supplied with clips to measure axial and radial-leaded components. All LCR meter test fixtures adapters are serialized with barcode for inventory tracking. Standard Part Numbers: P/N 2901600-100 (Calibration fixture, 4-BNC to 2-BNC adapter); P/N 2901600-200 (Calibration fixture, 4-BNC to Banana Jacks adapter)
Return to top of page Bias Adapter - The bias adapter (P/N 2901500-000) is designed to operate with the Model 3000 Capacitance Meter for device characterization under DC voltage bias. By connecting an external DC voltage source to the adapter, a bias voltage of up to +/- 50 V can be supplied to the capacitor (Cx) or device under test (DUT). The adapter BNC and banana jack terminal spacings are 0.750 inch. The equivalent circuit is shown below. DC bias is supplied through 1.0 megohm resistors R2 and R3 to the DUT. The 1.0 µF capacitors C2 and C4 isolate the meter from the DC bias. The DUT or test capacitor Cx is in series with C2 and C4. The actual reading (C-meter) will be reduced by the series connection of Cx, C2, and C4: C-meter = 1 / (1/Cx + 1/C2 + 1/C4) or Cx = 1 / (1/C-meter - 1/C2 - 1/C4) For example, if Cx is equal to 1.00 nF, the meter reading will be C-meter = 1 / {1/(1.0e-9) + 1/(1.0e-6) + 1/(1.0e-6)} = 0.998 nF Standard Part Number: P/N 2901500-000
Price List - Current Price List - (Webpage HTML format) Current Price List - (Adobe PDF format) Click here to get latest Adobe PDF reader For more information contact - GLK INSTRUMENTS E-mail: sales@glkinst.com Return to top of page Return to C-Meter home page
Updated 06 February 2025 |